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Determinants of helminth infection in a subterranean rodent, the Cape dune mole-rat (Bathyergus suillus)

机译:地下啮齿动物,Cape dune mole-rat(Bathyergus suillus)中蠕虫感染的决定因素



The helminth fauna of the largest bathyergid, the Cape molerat(Bathyergus suillus) was studied throughout an entire calendar year.The species richness encountered was low, with only 3 species ofnematodes (Longistriata bathyergi, Mammalakis macrospiculum, andTrichostrongylus sp.) and 2 species of cestodes (Taenia sp. andRodentolepis sp.). At less than 10%, the prevalence for all helminthsspecies was similarly low and may be a result of the solitary lifestyle andthe subterranean habitat exploited by this rodent. Clear seasonal patternswere apparent for the most common nematode (L. bathyergi), andprevalence and abundance were highest among non-pregnant femalescompared to males and pregnant females. Dispersal patterns associatedwith the mating system of the host could explain this pattern. In contrast,the prevalence of the most common cestode (Taenia sp.) was neitherdetermined by season nor host sex, suggesting that foraging habits mayconstantly expose B. suillus to this parasite.
机译:在整个日历年中,对最大的鳞翅目海mole(Bathyergus suillus)的蠕虫动物群进行了研究,所遇到的物种丰富度很低,仅有3种线虫(Longistriata bathyergi,Mammalaakis macrospiculumum和Trichostrongylus sp。)和2种ces菜(Taenia sp。andRodentolepis sp。)。所有蠕虫种类的患病率均低于10%,同样较低,这可能是该啮齿动物开发了孤独的生活方式和地下栖息地的结果。最常见的线虫(巴氏杆菌)明显有明显的季节性模式,与男性和怀孕女性相比,非妊娠女性的患病率和丰度最高。与宿主的交配系统相关的扩散模式可以解释这种模式。相比之下,最常见的尾est(Taenia sp。)的流行率既不通过季节也不通过宿主性别来确定,这表明觅食习性可能会恒定地使牛肝芽孢杆菌暴露于该寄生虫中。



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